This is a classic Korean ceramics from the early Choson period of 15th Century of an elegant pear-shaped vase decorated with fine Punch'ong style (or Mishima in Japanese term) slip inlaid decoration. The ovoid body is divided by double horizontal lines into three sections where white clay inlaid dots are elaborately arranged in a closely-knit fashion. The lower neck is decorated with a band of wavy vertical lines within horizontal lines. The upper neck and the flared mouth rim is undecorated. The entire surface except the base is covered with a clear and finely-crackled glaze with typical punch'ong grayish blue color. The unglazed base exposes the brick-red stoneware body. Except for a small foot ring chip and a few minute rim glaze flaking. This fine punch'ong vase is in excellent condition with its pristine glossy glaze. This is an item which exemplifies both Choson literati and Japanese tea ceremony tastes. It is a truly elegant and exceptional Choson ceramics.
Size: 28.5cm; body diameter: 17cm